Saturday, December 31, 2005


I wish all my friends a very happy and safe New Year!

Eg ;)

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Hi Cemetric

I hope they don't stop either...the forum is great, the website will be up soon...but the blogs are our can't get in here unless you've been invited...

even the hidden mod areas in the forum are not THAT exclusive...

my intention is to keep the remaining blogs...for many reasons...they're nice out of the way private spots for invitees...I've spent a lot of time on them, and I hope it's not wasted...they have a good audience for new blogs...and the traffic can be re-routed via links to the forums and website and back again so everything benefits.

Like you said...let's keep them alive! and it doesn't take post a month from each member would keep them moving along nicely....unlike a forum that needs an influx of posts to keep it alive.

Forum: I've set the access to additional veiws to not allow...until I can get a chance to work on a couple of other templates you'll have to put up with this one :P...I do plan to offer alternatives to the set default template in the future though.

Eg ;)

The new forum

Hi all,

I guess everybody is busy on the forum these days :-)

I like it, the forum ...although the colour scheme isn't my thing can normally change it but that hasn't succeeded with me yet...ahhh the impatience ;-)

I hope these blogs don't stop though ... Ok I could be posting some more then I now do , but I'm working on it ... I never have anything interesting to tell :-) .

I'll think of something interesting and might post it this evening ... maybe another list or mg32 suggested.

We'll see.


Monday, December 26, 2005

Season's Greetings

Hope everyone had a great Christmas !!!

and while you're need to check out our forum...

tazforum :: Index

you can sign up but won't get posting privileges till we open it up.

Still working on it.

Eg ;)

Good enough

Well it was a good one I guess ...short and sweet.

Went for diner and presents at my "in-laws" (I'm not really married but anyway).
Had to go back to work today ...that was less fun ... not much to do ...the day went by slowly...boring.

Anywho ... again ... I wish you all the best for this and next year ... much luck, love, hapiness and a good health and all other things you long for :-)


Saturday, December 24, 2005

Merry Christmas Anti-Loungers

just so you know...we will have a website up next year...already been paid for ( TAZ : The Administration Zone )...and we have a forums as well ( tazforums )...

tazforum :: Index

you can sign up anytime...but, you'll have to go through foxy as he has it on invite only status...and it's still in development ( see foxy for complaints or suggestions :D )

we will also have live chat and a few other features as well.

The blogs will stay...and I hope you continue to post in them...the only other ones I'm even considering dropping are Movie Cinema, Space Oddessey, and the new Administration Blog so I'll have more time to devote to the website.

I personally hate getting rid of any...for the amount of time I've put into them it feels like a waste to get rid of them...but...I'm only human and there's only so much time in the day.

I'll keep you all posted...

Eg ;)

Friday, December 23, 2005

And..before I forget


Ok because mg32 asked for it :-)

My 20 things, but should be alot more :-)

1- I love to learn new things

2- I love animals more then people

3- I hate crowds, although I'm a very extrovert person.

4- I love to cook.

5- I whish I could go and live in a cabin in the woods and live of the land.

6- I love the winter, I love to walk in the snow with my dog (husky).

7- I hate warm weather (more then 25°C is too much)

8- I've been a bouncer when I left the army until I earned enough for a deposit on my house.

9- I'd love to live in Canada or Sweden or any other country with lots of woods.

10- I like reading , I read everything that interests me (thrillers, detectives, philosophy, psychology, etc.)

11- I practice survival and bushcraft techniques.

12- I love discussions about life and the meaning of.

13- I've waited 4 years for the girl I love and we are still together.

14- I would like to travel more.(I would like to visit: USA, Canada, Japan, Sweden, Finland, New Zealand)

15- I should not have left the army.

16- I should loose more weight.

17- I love TV-series like "Criminal Minds", "Numb3rs", "NCIS", "Wanted"...

18- I don't have any favourit kind of music, I like a lot, from Bruce Springsteen to Tupac Shakur.

19- I don't drink or smoke.

20- I could drop and leave everything I own if it meant I could stop working and live in that cabin in the woods.

I hope this is ok... I could go on and on.


Hey...Where is everybody???

It's as quiet as a mouse in here! :D

The Freaky Christmas Dance :D

Thursday, December 22, 2005

The Day is Near...

Merry Christmas, Everyone!!!

May all your hopes and dreams come true!


Eg ;)

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Honest Feedback Needed an 'addition' to our blogs ( NOT as a replacement ) I've came across this in my search for a replacement for the now extinct chat bubble...

The Administrators Zone

I'm still very much just playing with's far from where i want it to be...but....what do you think???

Eg ;)

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Have fun debs!

And play safe!

Eg ;)

OK...I'm game...20 things

1. I prefer spring and fall...mild temperatures
2. I love to drink but I don't...not because I can't :p but because I feel I have a moral obligation to be sober for my kids being the only parent in the house
3. I can be very sarcastic :D
4. I have no patience at all :D
5. I have no personal attachment to or desire to obtain money...I despise the very concept of it...but...
6. I'm a realist, so I realize that you need money to live and get things done
7. I live a very simple life by today's car...I have a
13" T.V. my daughters have a 19" :D
8. I rarely ever buy myself anything
9. I've hitch-hiked all over the US and Canada...several times...about 20,000 miles total...or more
10. I've been close to dead on more than one occasion
11. Of seven original family members 4 are dead, one before she was 40, two before they turned 50, one at is unknown whereabouts...
12. I love a good argument
13. I like to learn but often lack the patience for it
14. I'd rather be living in a log cottage in the rocky mountains
15. I love pool and chess
16. I love horror and action films
17. I love 60's rock n' roll
18. I used to collect albums ( rare Lp's and 45's ) I tape movies...over 800 from the 1990's-2005...if it made after 1989 and was worth seeing I probably have it...trying to transfer them all over to DVD...figure it's going to take about three or four years
19. I have never been married but have full and sole custody of my children ( which should tell you how bad she must have been :D )..and I'm very proud of that because I went through hell to get them...
20. I've been on my own and working since I was 14

how's that mg? :D

Eg ;)

Hi mg,

Ahem!...why don't you start us off :p

Eg :D

Friday, December 16, 2005


Finally weekend...and finally some time to organise my thoughts.

Work was h*ll this last 2 weeks .. I had to install a new printcluster (so far not a biggie) but then I had to manually install 500 printers , with about 25 different drivers for all the different printers.

I had to do it manually cuzz the existing printserver is totally corrupt ... the drivers are kaput and so on .
Then there were troubles with the Citrix servers ... due to the antivirus software ... crap and de crap and more crap :-)

Anyway ... I'll try to visit more frequent again ... I'll have to catch up on some reading though ...the last thing I've seen is a game some here were gonna play ..something with booze and typing .... there was also talk about hooch or something :o).

The last few things ...something with blubber thingetje or something is a mistery to me :-D

Anyway glad the next week will be a bit more relaxed.



Hi Undies,

The Bubble...Apparently if you clicked your name...another pop-up came up where you could pick an a URL to your website...and...showed a part of your 2.2.2.#...the first three sections...

dino actually discovered it and after I attempted to remove the IP's without success I decided to ' temporarily ' delete it...until I got some feedback on whether or not this could be a security issue for anyone???

Eg ;)

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Hi foxy,

Went down for me too...right in the middle of posting :D in the $750 thread...then my mouse froze when I tried to post in AS's thread...

I'm waiting for the third brick to fall :D

Eg ;)

OH...noticed you're into the templates....good! :D...have fun!....if you break it you fix it :p :D

Hi dino,

Thanks...I'll keep it without the background.

I think the comments are for non-members...poping in and want to leave a message...but they're usually spammed by automated I've got word verification on for them.

You're welcome here drunk or sober :D ...these blogs are as much yours as mine...but if things get too out of hand you might want to move it over to The Gripe and Rant to avoid this blog getting an X rating and dropped by some services.

Still trying to find the right background for it...the Harley background was the one I liked but it made it too hard to read the posts...the wolf is looking better but there's still some places you can't see the post to well.

You can always use the new feature too...the Member Arena...bottom of right sidebar, little bubble, if you haven't checked it out already.

11 more days...:D


Eg ;)

Gotta go...3:14pm here...time to pick up the girl's from school.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

OH...I forgot...

Welcome catch :D ...glad to see you posting!

Do you guys like this blog without the textured middle? Or should I put it back in?

I need feedback people...let me know if you see something you don't like...besides me that this :p :D

Eg ;)

Thinking: how much information can my mind take in before it explodes
Doing: here
Watching: RoboCop, out of the corner of my eye
Eating: Chocolate Brownie Fudge Ice Cream
Time: the time now is...time for me to get a life :D

The Gripe and Rant

Well...I love the Harley Background...fits right into the theme...but I'm having a little trouble adjusting the colors to be easy to read...and that template is like working with scrambled eggs, it's not laid out in a row like some of the know...

post title
post date

these templates have sidebar info mixed in with main content info...and some stuff that seems doesn't really do anything.

but...I'll get it...eventually! :D

The Gripe and Rant links back to these blogs but these blogs won't link to it ( except the Admin Blog ) should be able to freely Rant away without it affecting these blogs...

theoetically...each blog is an independant entity.


mg's been waiting for some company in the Member Arena ( bottom of right sidebar )...please click the white bubble and say ' HI ' to her :D

Eg :p

Hi foxy,

Congrats on the job offer!

Blogging does take a little getting used to...most people like that immediate feedback you get from a chat room or that semi-immediate feedback you get from a forum...blogging is more or less a journal of thoughts...

or in this case...a journal of the thoughts of several people sharing the same's a more intimate style of internet conversation in my opinion.

Yep...killed The Fox House..well it was kinda wasting away with little prospect of ever going anyplace...and you know me...I like things going someplace...I don't like things sitting still with no direction or became just a place for me to unload my bookmarks...then I figured...why am I keeping them, it's not like I couldn't find them again.

But I replaced it with something that I think will get used...The Gripe and Rant...once I get it finished enough to send out the invites.

Did you check out the new feature on this blog??? I think you'll like it! :D

Eg ;)

now doing : trying to get the girl's ready for school
now listening to : the pitter patter of my money running away from me :D
reflecting upon : why is there only 24 hours in a day

Monday, December 12, 2005

Another Feature

Haven't placed this yet, still looking into this...

Audioblogger: Speak Up!

not sure if it extends to Canada...but it's available in the downloads an mp3 that you can listen to.

You should be able to sign up using your own passwords if you wanted to leave a voice post.

It'd be more or less a novelty in this'd be a real feature in your blog mg or if someone like Undies wanted to Audioblog a tutorial.

Eg ;)


I eliminated the ' textured ' section in the middle, leaving the top picture and the footer border...

I know it's a lot easier to read this way...

but how does it look to you???

Eg ;)

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Hi Undies,

It's a there's not much I can do with it...still haven't read everything so if I can put in post time I will...good idea! ;)

The site says 20 lines should be max., you can have more ( don't know how much more ) but it affects page loading apparently, so they suggest no more than 20...I went with 12 but I can upgrade that.

The reason why I went with 12 though was if we got some problem children ( because anyone can post on it ) we could clean the board easily...hopefully, that will never be a problem...otherwise I might have to find some alternative.

i'll look and see what all I can do with it...and you're right, the board is set at EST 5+ 5-each way.

Eg ;)

New feature

Hello Everybody.

I've incorporated a New Feature into this chat...a pop-up will appear when you click on the white bubble on the side-bar just below Affiliates...with six smiley faces enabled.

Of'll have to know when the other person will be can incorporate that in your post here as ' OH! By the way... debs I'll be on at 10pm friday '.

Please do not stop posting here directly on the blog :D ...I do think it's a good addition though.

Eg ;)

By the way...these blogs will be 100 days old on Dec. 29th, 2005

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Hi debs,

You're probably a lot better off...they wear those masks and gloves to prevent them getting Hepetitus ( spelled right? )....I've thought of taking the girl's in, but...I don't trust those places....
better you do it yourself ;)

As for looking like a kid with a crayon...I think that's sweet :D ...I've had my days too..." Dad, can you put this on Barbie for me? "...( a middle-aged man dressing Barbie :D )'s those little times and embarrassing moments that make you well-grounded :D

Eg ;)

Friday, December 09, 2005

Hi mg,

Missed it...

Eg ;)

Hi jinxy,

Yes...he's fed up...with a few things...spoke to him in a PM and he's looking for another site to invited him here too...

and the way it seems I completely understand his reasoning why he's fed up.

No objections so far so I think it's a go...I'll send off the invites tonight and hopefully he'll be here tomorrow :D

debs, mg...we're here for ya...we've got big ears and zipped lips :D

Eg ;)

Hi Undies,

That actually is the name first choice was administration but that was taken so the actual link says administrators...I always intended a portal blog ( like a main page ) to the other blogs and so the title seemed appropriate.

If you want Undies I can make you an administrator of the three test blogs to sort out your ideas for implementation...I usually test everything on those blogs first before I put code in the real could also help me out on the newest blog I haven't started on yet...' The Gripe and Rant '...let me know...I could always use the help and new ideas are welcome...I could really use your help on those ones I showed you before...the non-blogger ones in the test blogs.

It's up to problem if you have no time...I understand that completely :D

Eg ;)

P.S. Glad that you like what I've done so far.

Edit: Oh...I remember reading in blogger help or some blog forum where you can mirror posts.


It's been so quiet in here the last 24 hours you could hear a pin drop :D

Bought the girl's some new clothes yesterday...girl's and clothes, doesn't matter what soon as they see them they've got to strip down and put them on...even wanted to go to bed in them last soon as they got up...back in those clothes.

Must be some gene specifically in girl's...or is that jeans :D...they all love clothes.

Eg ;)

Blog updates

Well...I managed to increase the size of the post, post date, and title...before there was no code to do added code ( I'm slowly getting better at this :D )...

I also changed the date color to white and the title color to yellow...which I couldn't do before because there was no code ...none I could find anyways for I added code.

I may be moving at the pace of a snail but I'm getting the hang of this HTML thing :D

Eg ;)

catch has retired from AO

OK...I spoke to catch and I'd like to recommend him as a member...if you have any objections please state them soon...before we lose touch with him completely.

Insert Update: Have e-mail in hand waiting for response from membership.

It's entirely up to the feel free to say your piece if you have one.

If there's no objections by Sunday I'll PM him again.


Eg ;)

Doing: working on the blogs
Getting: very tired
Drinking: pop
Watching: some christmas show with Bill Murray ( Scrooge I think ) ...well...kinda watching. :D

Oh...I did speak to RoadClosed and he said he was interested but he forgot to send me his pmed him back and hopefully he will reply soon.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Hi Undies, won't be Friday here for another 4 hours :D

I'd like to see nihil on board seems he's comfortable just sticking with AO...a one-horse for the course as foxy says.

Virtually everyone I know on the net is at AO...I joined just 3-4 months after my first internet connection...really never had the chance to get to know anyone very well before that...I was just checking sites out for the first couple months to see which ones suited me...I did however invite one non-AO person at one of the few computer sites I attended before AO, but right now he's got his hands full administering several websites and forums of his own...

maybe after awhile I'll open the doors to others...but right now I'd prefer if we all knew each other rather than bring in an unknown that might not mix well with everyone.

check this out and tell me what you think...

Administrators Blog

Eg ;)

Hi mg,

Glad to see you got your titles back...and I like the me even a little background is better than none at helps to place you at the scene. ;)

Eg ;)

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Hi dino,

A box is perfect...whatever makes the kid happy is always the best present!...after all...that's the whole point.

Eg ;)

When your kid is ill...

What's new...well...yesterday I went to pick up the girl's from school, and as I was, there was this kid who had some kind of seisure...the teacher looked I checked the kid out for the usual, as another kid went to report the incident...

the regular routine I have when the girl's get determine how sick they are...most of you are probably already aware of these but some might not

keep in mind some of these may not they didn't with that kid...but some always apply...and they are in no specific order...


1. check for finger in mouth and check to see if the roof of the mouth is very dry ( not slippery at all )..
2. check for shallow breathing...look to see if the stomach is collapsing
3. check pulse for signs of abnormality
4. check eyes for focus, appearance, and movement/location ( I usually stand about three feet away and ask them to tell me how many fingers I'm holding up )
5. check speech for sluring or any abnormalities ( I usually have them repeat Scooby-Doo twice )
6. check hearing for abnormalities ( I usually stand behind them and whisper something they should hear )
7. check mobility ( I usually have them lift a leg and wiggle their fingers....not at the same time :D )
8. check feeling ( does it hurt )
9. check the color of their lips ( they should not be blue )

if these all appear normal...then...they probably have a normal problem ( cold, flu, etc... )...if any are abnormal...see a doctor to be sure.

it looked to me like the kid at school had a severe allergic reaction to something that put him in shock...he was completely out of it...I'll find out later what happened.

Eg ;)

Monday, December 05, 2005

Hi mg,

Yep...they really like that rubber raft :D

And what do you mean dump the guys and sneak off to Tuscany with debs without us? You know we're not that easy to get rid of :D...I've got a whole package of Barbie spy/sleuth stuff at my disposal...if I can pry it away from the girls :p

And I had to edit a few la-la's in your previous post...apparently the template sees it as one word so it pushed the sidebar over...a few clips here and there and it's back to normal. ;)

Tuscany here we come!!!....errr....where the frig is Tuscany anyways? :D

Eg ;)

Sunday, December 04, 2005


I'm up for it...just wondering if the kids rubber raft will take me there :D...anybody got a paddle?

Eg ;)

Hi debs,

No problem :D ...I don't see what you see at your end so I didn't know either can look at my drafts, I don't care :D

Eg ;)

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Stats looks like The Anti-Lounge is going to overtake even Egalitarian Graphics before the end of the month...:D...

Sept: 140 veiws
Oct: 488 veiws
Nov: 750 veiws
Dec: 118 already, and with not even 3 complete days gone...on route to surpass 1000 this month :D

Every month it just keeps getting better and stronger...the closest Blog to this right now is Mel's Photography Studio at 47 veiws so far this month.

Just in case you were curious...Nov stats 750= more than one person average per hour visited this Blog...not too shabby for a blog just 3 months old :D

Eg ;)

Hi debs,'re not being a stick in the mud...that's exactly what I want...but I am surprised you can see the post because I haven't even posted it yet :D it's still a draft...I was deciding on whether to post it now or wait till the new year.

This is not a democracy...if one objects then that's it rules...sorry Spyder, if you're peeking in.

Seeing as you obviously can see my drafts I might as well post it now :D

Eg ;)

The post in question is two posts down.


I was thinking about maybe inviting Tedob, phish, Spyder, and Shrekkie/Raiden...I've had a couple of PM's with Tedob and several with Spyder...Shrekkie seems to have a pretty good sense of humor that came out with his name problems :D...phish is the unknown with me, but he seems pretty much grounded...

keep in mind these are only suggestions...if any of these present a problem with anyone you can tell me here or send me a PM...

right now we have some members who post regularly, some who post occasionally, some who post infrequently, and some who don't post at all...personally I don't care how often someone posts but if we are to continue to grow...we do need posts...ultimately I'd like to see a minimum of 12 posts a day ( pitiful by forum standards but good for blogging standards )...preferably over the 12 blogs.

I see this as the primary goal for the new create a membership base that can contribute a minimum of 12 posts per day...that should double or even triple our readership.

Eg ;)

Friday, December 02, 2005

Decisions, desicions

I don't like to make desicions...not at all ...and especially if they are as difficult as yours Debs.

Difficult in that way ...they're your parents ... I know you want to do good for them, but do you think moving in is the best solution?

So you recently aquired a job, that means you didn't have a job before and still lived in that house you live in now (correct me if I'm wrong I don't know the whole story).
This also means you were able to pay the rent off of 1 paycheck ?

What if you , for the stretch untill Februari, use your paycheck (like MG said) to pay their costs ...and in the mean time try to use the 1 paycheck from your husband to live from yourself. Things might be dire (sp?) for that time but atleast you get to keep your house, job and keep your parents happy.... If you use the money as a Christmas present then that's the presents out of the way as well ;-) . ..I know you said that it's almost impossible to keep your house and pay their costs as well ...but it's just 2 months ... maybe you could arrange something with your landlord about the rent ...or take out a morgage yourself on something ...or a loan ... that way you can pay it off with a small amount that won't hurt your financial situation ??

I know it's not to joke about but in my family giving money to someone you love to help them is more then enough of a present. They (the presents) should come out of your heart don't they?

I know you have some difficult times ahead ...but once you passed them you feel a lot stronger ...and these decisions will help you make others in the future as well ...even in your professional life.

By the way ...this is what "I" would do have to decide for yourself...obviously.

Another thing ...I think 62 or any age over 60 is too old to have to work (I don't mean these people are old) ... You should be able to stop working at 60 latest ...this means you have (if you're lucky) maybe 20 years left to do the things you always wanted , but were unable to do because of work.... In Belgium they are trying (and probably will succeed) to raise the legal age of pension to 68 years of age .... That's just crazy... that means you have to work whole your life ...never ever get time off ...unless you take leave without pay offcourse. Ok it's possible to stop early but then you loose a certain amount of the pension you should get when you stop at the required age. I'm not gonna be discouraged ...I will take care of my own pension, so I can stop earlier ... It's a long road ahead ...but better start early.

Anyway ..that out of the way ... Debs can come to Spain ...but I'm not paying your ticket live way too far away :-)

To keep up with mg,

Listening to: coworkers bitchin (scuze my french) about stupid things
Drinking: nothing
Thinking of: The weekend

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Hi debs,

If I can inject a little advice concerning what I would do in that situation...this is what 'I' would do, not necessarily what you should do...

I would NOT move back in with my parents...they understand you have a life of your own and are trying to make it a good one...they would NOT want you to just heave it aside...

initially I would assist my father and sister ( as she is living there ) in getting another job...there are plenty of ways you can help...send out resumes on their behalf, scour job banks, even take out a couple of local Ads in the paper under ' work wanted '...etc...

if push came to shove and their back was up against the wall...I'd offer to help them cover their mortgage and bills insofar as I could until they were stable...and continue to assist in getting them gainfully employed...

moving back home would not be an option I would even consider.

Eg ;)


Tired ... didn't get much sleep last night ...And for this project I'm doing at the moment I have to get up at 5:30 am. Auch :D

Good thing though is, that I'm home around 16:30 pm. So I have some time to relax before starting diner. Yes I cook ... I like to cook ... my girlfriend doesn't like to cook ...she can though , but she doesn't like it. She likes to bake cakes and stuff , that's something I guess :-) .
Today I'll make a cold salad of "prinsessebonen" (dutch for ...Well I don't know actually ..they're long thin green beans) some hard boiled eggs, some tomatoes, some herbs and a little bit of mayonaise (thinned with yoghurt). I'll serve it with a fresh Ciabatta (Italian type of if you couldn't guess). It's very good ... ground some black pepper in it for that bite ...mmmm nice ;-).

Yes so I work 38 hours a week now for this project so that's a nice change ...normally it's 40 to 42 hours (on paper offcourse) but in reality it's always more.

Mmmm ... I have to buy something for Christmas for my girlfriend ....But what ...I'm fresh out of ideas ...But then again , maybe the trip to Barcelona next year in Januari is enough :-) ...nice romantic busy city ...I've booked a nice hotel right on the Ramblas (It's the main shopping street, very well known).
We'll go visit the nice Gaudi buildings and museums ... take a stroll on the markets and buy fresh fruit ...yes it will be nice :D.

Well , that's it for now ... I'll check out AO now and then start diner... I might pop in later ..don't know yet...

C 'ya

Hi Undies/debs

Glad to see things are working out for you Undies...full-time soon eh?! ;)...OH! were the 200th post on this blog :D

Debs...glad you like my poem :D...I'm 3am the word a@@ never even crossed my that a sign of old age or what!!!

Eg ;)'s 3:07am

Here I sit and wonder why
the moon the sun the stars and sky
the girl's tucked soundly in their beds
while visions of toys and rainbows dance in their heads
what the frig am I doing up
writing a poem to say...what'z sup?
I should go to bed I know
in the word's of Homer I must say...doh!
I hope that all is well with you
and life is not biting off more than you can chew
it's a pain I know it seems
when pain and problems inflict your dreams
life sucks when things go wrong
but don't women look really good in a summer thong
too bad it's winter and that time has passed
until next year and you raise that glass
to bring in the one new year
singing songs of love and cheer
I bid you a good sweet dreams
many wishes and few chilling screams
may life look brightly upon your life from now
and the devil can go and have a cow.
