Friday, December 02, 2005

Decisions, desicions

I don't like to make desicions...not at all ...and especially if they are as difficult as yours Debs.

Difficult in that way ...they're your parents ... I know you want to do good for them, but do you think moving in is the best solution?

So you recently aquired a job, that means you didn't have a job before and still lived in that house you live in now (correct me if I'm wrong I don't know the whole story).
This also means you were able to pay the rent off of 1 paycheck ?

What if you , for the stretch untill Februari, use your paycheck (like MG said) to pay their costs ...and in the mean time try to use the 1 paycheck from your husband to live from yourself. Things might be dire (sp?) for that time but atleast you get to keep your house, job and keep your parents happy.... If you use the money as a Christmas present then that's the presents out of the way as well ;-) . ..I know you said that it's almost impossible to keep your house and pay their costs as well ...but it's just 2 months ... maybe you could arrange something with your landlord about the rent ...or take out a morgage yourself on something ...or a loan ... that way you can pay it off with a small amount that won't hurt your financial situation ??

I know it's not to joke about but in my family giving money to someone you love to help them is more then enough of a present. They (the presents) should come out of your heart don't they?

I know you have some difficult times ahead ...but once you passed them you feel a lot stronger ...and these decisions will help you make others in the future as well ...even in your professional life.

By the way ...this is what "I" would do have to decide for yourself...obviously.

Another thing ...I think 62 or any age over 60 is too old to have to work (I don't mean these people are old) ... You should be able to stop working at 60 latest ...this means you have (if you're lucky) maybe 20 years left to do the things you always wanted , but were unable to do because of work.... In Belgium they are trying (and probably will succeed) to raise the legal age of pension to 68 years of age .... That's just crazy... that means you have to work whole your life ...never ever get time off ...unless you take leave without pay offcourse. Ok it's possible to stop early but then you loose a certain amount of the pension you should get when you stop at the required age. I'm not gonna be discouraged ...I will take care of my own pension, so I can stop earlier ... It's a long road ahead ...but better start early.

Anyway ..that out of the way ... Debs can come to Spain ...but I'm not paying your ticket live way too far away :-)

To keep up with mg,

Listening to: coworkers bitchin (scuze my french) about stupid things
Drinking: nothing
Thinking of: The weekend