OK...I'm game...20 things

1. I prefer spring and fall...mild temperatures
2. I love to drink but I don't...not because I can't :p but because I feel I have a moral obligation to be sober for my kids being the only parent in the house
3. I can be very sarcastic :D
4. I have no patience at all :D
5. I have no personal attachment to or desire to obtain money...I despise the very concept of it...but...
6. I'm a realist, so I realize that you need money to live and get things done
7. I live a very simple life by today's standards...no house...no car...I have a
13" T.V. my daughters have a 19" :D
8. I rarely ever buy myself anything
9. I've hitch-hiked all over the US and Canada...several times...about 20,000 miles total...or more
10. I've been close to dead on more than one occasion
11. Of seven original family members 4 are dead, one before she was 40, two before they turned 50, one at 68...one is unknown whereabouts...
12. I love a good argument
13. I like to learn but often lack the patience for it
14. I'd rather be living in a log cottage in the rocky mountains
15. I love pool and chess
16. I love horror and action films
17. I love 60's rock n' roll
18. I used to collect albums ( rare Lp's and 45's )...now I tape movies...over 800 from the 1990's-2005...if it made after 1989 and was worth seeing I probably have it...trying to transfer them all over to DVD...figure it's going to take about three or four years
19. I have never been married but have full and sole custody of my children ( which should tell you how bad she must have been :D )..and I'm very proud of that because I went through hell to get them...
20. I've been on my own and working since I was 14
how's that mg? :D
Eg ;)