Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Hi debs

Sorry....stage fright not allowed...nope...nope...nope...:D know we would ' never ' allow anyone on board that would make any member uncomfortable in any way...if I thought for one moment that someone wasn't suitable I wouldn't invite them..

dinowuff's already read your stuff anyways...he's been lurking around here...and I imagine he's not the only AOer that pops in to see what we're talking about :D.

Eg ;)

Welcome Aboard Cemetric

Yes...that's the beauty of the Blogs ( does not have to be in Capitals :D ) have to be can't just join :D are now one of the few, the proud, and the brave, the the pinacle, the zenith, of the blogging a zepher blowing in you'll cast your words for all to enjoy, to marvel at, as they look to you for enlightenment...

errrrrrrr....hummmm...or something like that :D

Eg ;)

First Blog - ever

Blog is short for weblog. A weblog is a journal (or newsletter) that is frequently updated and intended for general public consumption. Blogs generally represent the personality of the author or the Web site.

Well, this is it. My first ever blog, let alone some sort of typed text that should represent my ramblings. I was invited to join this Blog, since I don't know anything about Blogging, I had to start reading up about them.

As I read some Blogs (does it have to be in capital all the time ?) I saw that it was actualy amusing. People letting steam off, telling what they think of things and just rambling on about their daily lives.

I thought, well I always have an opinion on something, albeit it not always being politically correct to some, I do like to go into discussion to. So what's keeping me from writing stuff on some website for everyone to see ... wait ...what ?!? ... Everyone can read this.... mmmm .... Do I want people to see what my stance is on some things...What I think of president Bush or the Royal family of Belgium...Do people want to know anyway...Well...I don't know realy

Wait another thought occured to me - Can I get famous with it :-) ... Can I score girls with it (oh wait my girlfriend does use the internet to...damn ;-) ).

But then again ...what do I have to do to get famous ... what should I write about ? Nothing exiting happens in my life ... I think.

Anyway ... I'll try to write some stuff next time that actualy makes sense, and in the mean time I'd like to thank the good people on this Blog for inviting me ...allthough I still can't figure out why they did ... I must be interesting after all ...Yes someone finds me interesting ...wooohoooo !!

Talk to ya'll later folks...

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Invites out

All invites have been sent to Cemetric, dinowuff, and Aspman :D

Thanks for the update on RoadClosed debs!

Eg ;)


Still no word from RoadClosed...he hasn't been over at AO much the last few months...any other recommendations???

Like to get them all out at once if possible...sending invites takes some time if you got to start all over for each to do them all at once.

Christmas...we really don't do anything special...maybe I'll take the girl's to church just for the experience...or eat out at a restuarant ( not something we do often so it's like a treat to them )...all-in-all it's just another day around here...I've never been big on celebrations...they'll have at least one present left to open from me on Christmas and probably a few from our friends.

Want to buy them a cheap computer ( even cheaper than the one I'm using :D ) just to throw on some educational/play games ( no internet connection )...this puppy was only 6.04GB when I bought it...64MB Ram...:D...sad but true.

Eg ;)

Update far Cemetric, dinowuff, and Aspman...have responded with their e-mails :D...only RoadClosed to hear from left...

I'll wait till tonight to see if he shows up and then shoot out the invites all at once.

Aspman wants his decoder ring :D

dinowuff says he already visits The Anti-Lounge once in awhile...which is great...I wonder how many other AOer's visit? it'd be interesting to know...but impossible to find out.

Eg ;)

Gott'er done...

The PM's are sent...spoke to Cemetric again and got his e-mail...and hopefully the rest will get back to me today so I can send out the invites all at once to whoever wants to join...

any other suggestions/recommendations?

Eg ;)

Thanks mg,

Like the link. Thanks!'s 1:37am right now...

Doing: drinking a pop and havin' a smoke
Thinkin': I should get my butt in bed :D
Wishin': I was just a little smarter and maybe things would go a little smoother

I PMed Cemetric about the blogs...not sure if he understood me...said he was unfamiliar with blogging and wanted to learn a bit about it first...I'll have to re-PM him
haven't PMed the others yet...will get around to it...promise :D

have a good night

Eg ;)

Sunday, November 27, 2005

First Attempt

What do you think
of this???

My first attempt at
creating a web
page from scratch.

Scrolling reveals the
other 8 thumbs...and all
link to their respective

This of course would be the portal page I aluded to earlier...or something
similar to this...

under the thumbs there is a member list and a text box for comments.

It's a start :D

Hi debs,

Well...if what I see in my head ever gets put in a web format I think it will look, in the words of Billy Crystal in Soap, ' Absolutely Fabulous ' :D

Unfortunately, I'm very new at this game so it's going to take some time before it ever gets much time I have ( as mg said ) and how fast I learn will have a lot to do with whether it gets done in 2006 or not until 2007.

Suffice it to say there's no hurry...the blogs are doing well...and attracting more visitors every day...visitors we can then transfer over to the web.

Eg ;)


Is this a case of me biting off more than I can chew :D

Eg ;)

Hi mg,

The main objective being..

1. to take the best of the blogs
2. the best of forum communication
3. and combine the two into a website

now...the obective would be to have it all in one package...

to have what we have here...a family of members addition to that...we would promote the services of those members who wish to sell their services
eg. foxy or Undies might want to promote and sell their tech services...and you might want to sell your would promote that...and take NO would be 100% yours...we could set up links to your own Paypal or other private transaction site...

the site's revenue would be Ad generated...NOT member or member service generated...

by providing this kind of format...and diversity... I think we can optimize the level of promotion and interest from search well as Advertisers... would be a continuation of what we have here...only, in my opinion, better...because instead of having several semi-connected blogs, we would have an inter-connected website...with individual pages as well as an interactive forum...

the forum would be small by comparison to a regular forum...only the size of AO's first forum section of nine spots...

it would also be better, in my opinion, because not only would you be able to show your work but be able to sell it as well...taking full advantage of the visitors...

it would be better from my perspective because it would reduce my promotion to one rather than having to spread it out over 12 blogs...meaning better visibility as my time could be better focused...

now...that being said...this is only a concept...nothing has been done as of yet...which is why I'm looking for may not even be a good may not even be possible...

but I think we could put up a website that would impress even experienced webmasters...I do like challenges :D

Eg ;)

Saturday, November 26, 2005 it is in a nutshell...

Ultimately I want to create a website...with a Main Page that contains thumbnail images/links of/to ten internal thumbnail leading to a small forum page that has one forum for each of the remaining nine internal pages...and each forum will link directly back to it's parent page...

after the forum page...three of these internal pages will be devoted to art/photography/illustration/graphics/etc...three devoted to tech/solutions/advice/security/ general business/news/product general entertainment page...and one general discussion page...all also containing a thumbnail linking to it's relevant forum...

inotherwords...the Main Page will act as a a thumbnail image of The Anti-Lounge ( not the way it is now ) will link to it's Main Page...which will again link via a thumbnail to it's forum...and link back the same way...
the Main Portal Page and the forum page will thumbnail link to all pages...

unlike most present templates...each page will be unique, as if you entered a new site...not be carbon copies of each other...

the forums would be moderated by the members ( all members would have global mod privileges )...however, membership would be by sponsorship only ( invite only ) of acting members, NOT open registration...guest posting would be allowed...

the Administrators would handle day-to-day site activities as well as assist in promotion...

the new website would in effect eventually replace the blogs after a time...


I want honest feedback...positive or negative...suggestions...improvements...does this sound like a good idea???

Eg ;)

Friday, November 25, 2005

Hi mg,

Shopping is definitely a regular thing around here :D ...but my expenses are low and I save there's no house mortgage ( no house ) or no car loan ( no car ) or other big money drain ( other than rent ) eating into my spending cash they can't take it with ya :D

And I'm a bulk buyer...I see something on sale I'll buy, buy, buy...Nescafe' coffee ( regular $3.99 ) for $2.50 give me six, Frootloops ( regular $4.20 ) for $2.00 a box throw ten in the cart :D ...if I can't save enough on a grocery trip to pay for at least the cab fare down and back I won't bother even going...I'm a shopper :D

As for the g-word ( god ) ;)...there is no question about the existence of god...but as you see when I use the word it's almost always in lower case ( god as opposed to God )...because I really don't believe it matters if you believe or you don't...god is egoless, therefore it cannot be offended in any way by not believing...people like to give god human qualities and human frailities and they simply do not apply...god is not human...god's actual essence is as different from us as we are different from a bird...
so...Neg is safe :D...he's not going to burn in some fictatious hell ;)

But I still sent my girl's to church every Sunday for awhile...not because I agree with what was being said but because it does have other benefits such as conditioning children to be comfortable in large social groups and settings in and outside of daughter Shari was extremely shy and after putting her into various social settings she gradually came out of that shy state...
at home she was a maniac...but, as an example, when she was in JK ( junior kindergarten ) , she never participated in sing-alongs or other class activities, played by herself, etc...then she'd come home and act like a normal rambuncious
I threw her into situations like church where you have to participate in a social situation ( get up, sit down, sing, bible study, etc...) and now the shy little girl is gone and she loves school and making new friends...even when she's sick and I tell her she can stay home she tells me she'd like to go to school anyways.

Church does have it's benefits...unfortunately none of them have anything to do with god :D

Now doing: having a coffee
Now should be doing: setting up Alberta for next week ( work )
Soon will be doing: grabbing another coffee while I ponder my approach ( how I'm going to go about setting it up )
Children: in school for another hour

Eg ;)

P.S. mg...looks like you got a nice family there! ;)

Hi debs,

Actually it's girl's are so used to getting stuff year round that Christmas isn't really a big deal to least twice a week they ask what I bought them and think I'm kidding when I say I didn't :D

Yes...they are very spoiled :D but they're also very smart about it...I taught them to be generous very young...I could literally take all their toys away and they wouldn't care ( in fact I've threatened to do it as punishment a few times and they don't even bat an eye )...I just gave three boxes ( 19" T.V. sized boxes ) of their toys away to a local Church near their school ( I drop off clothes and stuff there regularly while dropping the kids off at school ) and while I was rooting through their stuff they were throwing toys in the boxes too...I had to even stop them a few times because they were throwing stuff I just bought them into the boxes :D

As far as religion is concerned's very simple...don't let anyone confuse you or try to manipulate you into believing what they do...the fact is it doesn't matter if you believe in only matters if god believes in you...just as one can deceive many and lead them astray, so also can one lead many to the truth...and the truth is not as complicated as it appears. Sermon ended. ;)

Doing: dubbing Lord of the Rings 1&2 from VCR to DVD
Drinking: coffee
Children: playing Foosball
Health: still sick but getting a little better
hoping: I can figure out these templates

Eg ;)

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Tonight was the first day I ever had someone else pick up the girl's from school ( with the exception of the three days I spent in the hospital two-three years ago for the same problem ) lungs just couldn't handle it...blah...why do we need lungs anyways...all they ever do is slow ya down :D...should be like the apendix or tonsils...just cut them out when they get in your way :D

So...after the girl's unpacked their gear from school, had supper, I decided to let them open another christmas present...a Fooosball Table :D...took almost three hours to put the darn thing together :eek:...they played one full game and off to bed ( about ten minutes ago )...

so...where is everyone..and whatcha upto?!

Eg ;)

Hi mg,

nihil would be an excellent choice...however...

I don't know if nihil will...I've tried twice to get him on board...and he never responded back...which is very unusual because we PM and talk with each other fairly often on other matters...but for some reason he's remained mute on this one sole issue...
foxy tried to explain it to me once by saying nihil's a one horse show...and that show right now is AO...I know other sites that have tried to get him too and either failed or got him to join but still never posts...
if you want to PM nihil by all means go ahead, maybe you'll have better luck...but I think I've bugged him enough to do it again myself ;)

I'll PM the other three...don't know them very well myself but they seem like they'd fit in...any objections raise them now :D
Aspman I've probably spoke in the forums with more than the other three...dinowuff I spoke to a couple of times...Cemetric is the only one I really haven't gotten into at least one conversation with.

Any other feedback appreciated...after all...I don't want to bring anyone on board that's a problem for anyone here a name pops up that raises a red flag with anyone please let me know...that way we can nip any problem before it can be a problem...

so far...


Anyone else to add??? I'll start PMing them next if I don't hear a ' Oh my God! Not him/her! ' by then, I'll send the invites :D

Happy Thanksgiving America!

Eg ;)

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Hello Debs :D

We were wondering where you went.

RoadClosed was one of the people on my list from the beginning...we don't talk much lately but we used to get into all kinds of conversations when I first joined AO.

At first I wanted to just pick a few...then a few more...and now I think were ready for another 4-6'll definitely send RoadClosed a PM...if anyone objects let them speak now :D

Like I said from the very beginning I consider this to be our site so up to now I've been very picky about who I've asked...want to keep it the way it is...stress and conflict free...say what you feel and feel what you say and no one to criticise it...just friends talking about whatever ;)

Any other suggestions more than welcome.

Eg ;)


Well...heard back and she's says she's swamped right now but after Christmas seems likely.

If you guys have any suggestions on good members feel free to PM me or post them...I'd like to add a few more if you know someone who'd fit right in let me know.

Eg ;)

P.S. Neg...we finally got you to do we have to use Chinese Water torture to get you to post :D ...don't worry...this is not a conflict of interest...I don't think anyone here would ever be in a position to cause such a conflict. ;)

Hi mg,

Yep...but we celebrate it in October fact a few years ago you guys were thinking of making yours in October too...something about pushing it back from Christmas..turkey or ham is the standard fare here.

OH...I invited morganlefay...hope that's OK with you guys...she seems like she'd be a good addition to our family.

Eg ;)

Monday, November 21, 2005

I'm a Travelling Man, made a lot of stops...

Was practically my theme song when I was hitch-hiking all over the US and Canada in my mis-spent youth :D

Seems there's a few people deciding on doing it much later in life...Undies, Neg/mg, catch...just when I'm laying down a few roots...been in this city for going on four years now...and believe me that's an accomplishment :D...prior to this I moved seven times ( the last three job related ) in the previous ten years...and close to 20 times in the previous 20 years have a lot to do with me laying down roots...once they started getting close to school age I figured it was time to get some stability.

But, especially when I was younger, I never saw the logic in spending one's whole life confined to a specific area when there was so much out there to explore and discover...and I still have the's just tempered with reality.

So...if you could live anywhere...where would it be???

for me...Banff or Jasper, Alberta...always loved the mountains and fresh mountain air.

Eg ;)

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Life/death and Insurance

Hi jinxy,

I agree 100% ...never let anyone take advantage of you...because they will if you leave that door open...and I try to instill that value in my children...most people will just accept that they can't do anything and move on, and these corporations know that, so...when they encounter someone they can't intimidate and who doesn't accept their answer they are taken aback and usually are quick to resolve the matter...

never be scared to stand up for your have nothing to lose...those that don't fight, have already lost everything.

Hi Relyt,

As they say grief is for the living...the dead don't need any sympathy...death is a natural part of the life me it's like they've moved out of the Country, and is far from the horrific nightmare people suppose it is...
I saw both my mother and my sister waste away on a hospital bed for no real purpose other than some lame and false fear that others had that death should be avoided at all costs...
there is more hope in death than there is in some miracle cure that might never come...
the torture of the dying is far more frightening than the prospect of death...should I ever see the inside of a hospital for more than a month...please shoot me...I'd rather be dead.
I'm sorry for your personal loss...but I assure you with absolutely no hesitation at all...they are neither dead nor suffering.

Eg ;)

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Hi mg,

If you're only going to be there another 2-3 years I wouldn't bother with hedges for no.2 ... hedges actually preserve wood from weather rot so they're a compliment to the stain...but I would go with pre-treated wood anyways.

Presently: on the computer taking a break.
Kids: just opened three more Christmas presents I bought today...a very large teddy bear each, lil' brats spring party bags ( dolls n' stuff ) each, a birthstone necklace ( to replace the watch that I took back because it was tooooo big ) and wood jewelery box for Sarah, and pet shop/igloo set cats for Shari.
Listening: in the background I have the T.V. on...TBS I think.

OH...and I bought myself some new slippers...old ones were getting pretty beat up :D

Eg ;)

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Hi mg,

This is the place for it :D

My brother used to have the same problem with his fences...corner lot like yours...1/3 an acre lot, so it was larger than the other lots around him, more room for the wind to he planted hedges around them...looks great, only takes, I think, 5 years for them to grow to four-five feet high, extra privacy, and provides a good noise buffer.

Good investment in my opinion.

Eg ;)

Monday, November 14, 2005

Hi Everyone,

OK...I'm officially confused :D...titles???

Almost done my Christmas shopping...started last month. Girl's have already opened four presents...a table Air-hockey/combo game, watches, tape/radios, and a nick-nack thingy...already gave out seven presents to other people...only a couple more to buy for then I'm done!!!! :D Sheeeeeesh! I'll be glad when it's over and I can sit back and relax while everyone else scurries for those last minute presents.

Vacation??? What's that???

Eg ;)

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Hi mg,

I'm still here :D

So...ya wanna move to Belguim eh? NO! don't do it!...chocolate candies, chocolate waffles, chocolate lattes', chocolate'll come back 400 pounds and well fed :D

Checked out your website...when you get it up and going we'll put it in the links here.

Don't stress the small stuff mg...I learned a long time ago that it's the small stuff that'll run you down so you don't have the energy left to take care of the big it doesn't have to be done right away I don't worry about it...I'll get to it when I get to it :D

This blog is taking off! every month the stats get bigger than the month before...Mel's Studio too went from 29 veiws to almost 500 last month...zooooooooooooom! :D

We've got a long way to go...but we're on the right track! :D

Eg ;)

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Hi jinxy

No one can really say why you feel like you do...there are so many factors that go into our feelings that to pinpoint it down to one or two reasons is virtually impossible...

the fact you left the relationship shows me that it is best for both of you...sometimes separation clears the mind...if you and her get back together it will be because you both want it...not because you feel sorry for her or she feels sorry for herself...

separation does not mean the relationship will end or never get back's just taking a break to sort out how you feel...and only you can determine how you really feel.

I would advise that you call her...let her know you haven't abandoned her ( because it sounds like you do care ) a friend...the relationship, if any, will come around, or not, on it's own.

Onanother note...

Glad to see you back posting!


Eg ;)

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Hi mg,

I was actually refering to anything a person creates out of their own mind or with their own hands...or both, photos, even the special way they decorate their pad...

I've got an outdoor swing as a sofa in my livingroom and the T.V. in front of it is on the third shelf of a metal shelving unit :D...that is an indicater in my life that I've never followed traditional thinking :D

back in the seventies myself and a couple of my friends went to school in trenchcoats and sunglasses long before they became popular...we looked like Neo in the Matrix :D

I like bucking the trend...:D

Eg ;)

Hi mg, Undies

I have always had a very liberal veiw of art...I'm always impressed by something created that never before existed...

what you create with your own mind and hand is the window to who you's the best indicater of what you feel and what you believe and the type of personality you have...

I like both your pictures :D

Eg ;)