Hi mg,

Shopping is definitely a regular thing around here :D ...but my expenses are low and I save nothing...so there's no house mortgage ( no house ) or no car loan ( no car ) or other big money drain ( other than rent ) eating into my spending cash :D...like they say....you can't take it with ya :D
And I'm a bulk buyer...I see something on sale I'll buy, buy, buy...Nescafe' coffee ( regular $3.99 ) for $2.50 give me six, Frootloops ( regular $4.20 ) for $2.00 a box throw ten in the cart :D ...if I can't save enough on a grocery trip to pay for at least the cab fare down and back I won't bother even going...I'm a cheap...errrrrrrrr...smart shopper :D
As for the g-word ( god ) ;)...there is no question about the existence of god...but as you see when I use the word it's almost always in lower case ( god as opposed to God )...because I really don't believe it matters if you believe or you don't...god is egoless, therefore it cannot be offended in any way by not believing...people like to give god human qualities and human frailities and they simply do not apply...god is not human...god's actual essence is as different from us as we are different from a bird...
so...Neg is safe :D...he's not going to burn in some fictatious hell ;)
But I still sent my girl's to church every Sunday for awhile...not because I agree with what was being said but because it does have other benefits such as conditioning children to be comfortable in large social groups and settings in and outside of school...my daughter Shari was extremely shy and after putting her into various social settings she gradually came out of that shy state...
at home she was a maniac...but, as an example, when she was in JK ( junior kindergarten ) , she never participated in sing-alongs or other class activities, played by herself, etc...then she'd come home and act like a normal rambuncious kid...so...
I threw her into situations like church where you have to participate in a social situation ( get up, sit down, sing, bible study, etc...) and now the shy little girl is gone and she loves school and making new friends...even when she's sick and I tell her she can stay home she tells me she'd like to go to school anyways.
Church does have it's benefits...unfortunately none of them have anything to do with god :D
Now doing: having a coffee
Now should be doing: setting up Alberta for next week ( work )
Soon will be doing: grabbing another coffee while I ponder my approach ( how I'm going to go about setting it up )
Children: in school for another hour
Eg ;)
P.S. mg...looks like you got a nice family there! ;)