Thursday, November 24, 2005

Hi mg,

nihil would be an excellent choice...however...

I don't know if nihil will...I've tried twice to get him on board...and he never responded back...which is very unusual because we PM and talk with each other fairly often on other matters...but for some reason he's remained mute on this one sole issue...
foxy tried to explain it to me once by saying nihil's a one horse show...and that show right now is AO...I know other sites that have tried to get him too and either failed or got him to join but still never posts...
if you want to PM nihil by all means go ahead, maybe you'll have better luck...but I think I've bugged him enough to do it again myself ;)

I'll PM the other three...don't know them very well myself but they seem like they'd fit in...any objections raise them now :D
Aspman I've probably spoke in the forums with more than the other three...dinowuff I spoke to a couple of times...Cemetric is the only one I really haven't gotten into at least one conversation with.

Any other feedback appreciated...after all...I don't want to bring anyone on board that's a problem for anyone here a name pops up that raises a red flag with anyone please let me know...that way we can nip any problem before it can be a problem...

so far...


Anyone else to add??? I'll start PMing them next if I don't hear a ' Oh my God! Not him/her! ' by then, I'll send the invites :D

Happy Thanksgiving America!

Eg ;)