Friday, October 14, 2005

Transferred posts from Deb's Little Dungeon

Friday, September 23, 2005
Time for an update
Well, let's see, what's up with me...

Overall, not much. Mostly the same old same old.

Without going into enough detail to horrify the men here, it looks like our attempts at baby-making are at a bit of a stand-still. My parts aren't doing what they're supposed to do, so I've got to go in for testing next month. What the tests show will determine our next step. If it's something simple, then we'll go on, but if it's going to be long involved difficult stuff, we'd already discussed it and we're not going the fertility drug/in vitro route. I've seen the emotional toll that that takes on women, and their spouses, and it's not the route I want to go. If it's meant to be, we'll have a child. If it's not, we won't. I'm feeling kind of down tonight though, because I really would like to have another baby, and this is the second time in our relationship we've decided to try to have a child, and the second health problem that's interfered with it. I'm not sure if this is a sign, or simple coincidence.

I'm getting a bit tired of Florida...*gasp* Never really thought I'd say that, but I grew up in the Midwest, and so did my husband. We watched the movie Signs a few weeks ago, and it was in Pennsylvania, I believe, but that's not what matters. The house in that movie was in the middle of a cornfield, it looks almost exactly like the house I grew up in. That got me thinking about it, and combined with the weather stress of living here, I have started considering moving. However, my parents are getting to an age where they need me, and I don't think I could leave them. But I'm not sure I can deal with living here much longer either. The constant worry about hurricanes is getting a little old. I love living here, I just can't cope with the stupid stress all the time. But then hurricane season will be over soon, and while the rest of the world is shivering, I'll still be wearing shorts and t-shirts.

Decisions decisions decisions
posted by Debs @ 12:53 AM 0 comments
Friday, September 09, 2005
You're going to have to forgive me today, I've got a lot on my mind.

I saw a news article last night about people in my area, and our reaction to Hurricane Katrina. We've given til we can't give anymore. We've raised several million dollars. Our local fire department has sent over 30 semi's off supplies to the Gulf Coast. And that's just the the fire department...not the other smaller groups, not the Red Cross, not the Salvation Army. You should see the interstate's a constant shuttle east to west and back again taking supplies, all of them escorted by the local Sheriff's Department.

We've also had a huge number of suicides, and the number of people being treated for depression it quadruple what it was a month ago. Doctors here are flabbergasted, they say it's much worse than it was after 9/11.

What the hell do they expect? 9/11 couldn't happen here. The closest thing we have to skyscrapers are local water towers. And then...well, pretty much, the water towers are the only thing that would sustain damage. But we're a coastal community. If it had happened one little bit different, a different steering current, it could so easily have been us. I'm not talking about New Orleans, that was a very specific problem created in a very specific area. I'm talking about the coastal communities all along the Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama coasts. The people who are standing on concrete slabs where their houses used to be. Is it any wonder that we can't stop trying to help them? Is it any wonder that we're feeling depression, helplessness and guilt? We know that the old saying "There but for the grace of God go I" applies fully and totally here. And those of us who don't believe in God find ourselves in a scary place. If it wasn't the grace of god, then what happened? What kept it from being us?

It's numbing. I can't watch TV anymore. The radio, I can almost deal with. I've cried innumerable tears. I've given til I can't do anymore. We've eaten sandwiches and Hamburger Helper for the last week, and we will for the next week, because all our money has gone to help re-build their lives. Our house is on the housing list with the Red Cross and Salvation Army for evacuees. We can't do anymore. But it's not enough. Am I trying to bargain with whatever is out there that controls things? "I've done everything I can to help them, please don't let it happen to me?"
posted by Debs @ 2:31 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Decorating the new house!
Found some of the most amazing art online today, I was just browsing thru artists I like, and I found which has some really beautiful art, framed and matted if you choose, for prices those of us with expensive taste and not so expensive budgets can afford.

Really a fun site, and you might just find that perfect piece of work. Mike and I like things that are very stark and things that are very bold. We have a "white" house...and decided in the living room, rather than painting the room itself, we were going to leave it white, and use it as a backdrop for very bright colors. I'm having a blast finding what we really want.
posted by Debs @ 12:47 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
Congrats !!!
Congrats on the new digs...well...first I heard about them anyways. I can't wait to get my bills settled and move back into a house...downsized a year+ ago to do a little catch-up. Really miss a front porch and a back yard.

Another hurricane headed your way? Hope all is well with you and yours!

Eg ;)
posted by Egaladeist @ 3:07 PM 0 comments

Holiday letdown
So Mike went back to work today after 3 days off with me. I'm lonely and sad today...add to that the fact that it's really cloudy and rainy and dreary, and I think I'm going to go take a nap.

We have put our house up on 4 different websites for hurricane evacuees, but not had any responsed from it...we were getting frustrated, as we'd really like to be able to help someone, but then we got an e-mail that said they were having a hard time matching people, and not to take our ads down, because they really want housing, but it could take a couple of weeks, so that made me feel better.

We are going furniture shopping this weekend...YAY! We moved into a new house in July, and it's got 4 bedrooms...we moved from a 2 bedroom house, so we've got a couple of rooms that are completely empty yet. I'm looking forward to it, although we're starting off with living room furniture first. Since we're trying to have a baby, we don't want to get the bedroom all furnished, then find out that we have to buy a crib and stuff. ;)

So...that's all for now...looks like Tropical Storm/Hurricane Ophelia will be making an appearance in my backyard this weekend, a little nervous about that. I normally take these things in stride, it doesn't usually bother me. However, the current situation on the Gulf Coast has all of us a little gunshy right now. It's terrifying how quickly these things can change, and how little control you have over them...little hell, you have no control over it.

And just to add to the fun...I sent all of our hurricane supplies to people on the Gulf who needed them, so now I have to totally re-stock this weekend!
posted by Debs @ 1:11 PM 0 comments
Friday, September 02, 2005
The joys of a defective mind it is, 4 AM, and I really really need to sleep. I've got a lot of stuff going on tomorrow, none of it interesting, but stuff I need to be rested and happy for. So why am I awake? Because my brain doesn't have an off switch. I start thinking about things, and next thing you know, 2 hours have passed, or 4, or 6, and I still can't sleep, because my brain won't let go of something. I took meds to help with this, for a long time. However, since we're trying to have a baby, those meds are no longer a good idea. I'm not sure that staying awake for 72 hours is great either, but then I'm not the doctor.

So what am I obsessing over tonight? The Gulf Coast, and what those people are going thru. It's like I feel guilty for not having been hit by this particular hurricane. We missed it by a few hundred miles, and I'm grateful for that...but I feel like nothing I do is enough, like I can't give enough, I can't do enough to help them.

Eg, I'm the perpetual rose-colored glass wearer. ;) I'm not really naive about people...I just choose to look at the positive most of the time. I realize there is risk involved in opening my home to strangers, but there is risk involved in almost everything. And I know, with our financial situation, that we'd be totally screwed if this was happening to us. We get by, we do fine, but we're always one big crisis away from financial disaster. This would be the kind of crisis that would spell disaster for us, and in their situation, the only thing that would save us from a homeless shelter for a few months would be someone opening their home to us.
posted by Debs @ 3:59 AM 0 comments

Hi debs,

It amazes me too every time I see something like this how opportunistic many people can be...with brazen looting, shooting at rescue helicopters, etc...

It's nice to know the other side too...people like yourself opening up their homes for the now homeless.


Eg ;)
posted by Egaladeist @ 2:28 AM 0 comments
Thursday, September 01, 2005
Hurricane help
So I've been watching TV for the last few days, crying. Literally. I know that I missed this by a small bobble in the forecast. It could be me and my family. My heart is breaking for these people. I've donated everything I could afford to donate, and then a little more, but it doesn't feel like enough., I found out that on and, you can put any housing you're able to provide up for refugees. I've listed 2 bedrooms for free, for anyone who needs them. I'm pretty far away from the area, but not as far as a lot of the people who are offering who knows, maybe my family will increase for a little while without us actually having a baby....LOL!

My husband is going to flip for the first few minutes after I tell him, but then he'll be happy. He's been wanting to do something too.

I have a whole different vent I would like to get out, but I don't think this is the time or place really. However, I will say that overall, People Suck.
posted by Debs @ 8:58 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
So here I am...
What to talk about? My life is a bit different than most of yours, because I'm a stay at home mom. That makes me different by a long shot than anyone else. So that leaves me with the question..if I write about my life, and what goes on, and the fact that we're trying to have a baby, will anyone read it?

Or should I talk about things more worldly? This is the question...stay tuned for the answer!
posted by Debs @ 5:42 PM 0 comments

DaFox peeks in CAREFULLY ............

No chains, no whips ................... YET

DaFox creeps quietly away :)
posted by DaFox @ 6:05 AM 0 comments