Thursday, October 27, 2005

Hi Debs

Take this advice for what it's worth... not tell Anthony about the cat! If he's that attached to the cat that's one more reason to come home...if the cat's dead, that's one less reason....wait until you absolutely have to...then you can lie about when...and say it just died.

I know...I's not good to lie...but sometimes it's necessary.

Secondly...I don't know what kind of sofa you have or where the cat peed...but...after the girls started to go potty I took the sofa cushions outside and hosed them good then let them dry ( they were foam cushions ) then sprinkled baby powder on them and after about 30 min vacuumed them...just like new...

have a another sofa now but at the time it worked like a dream to get all that baby pee and juice spills, etc...out of the cushions.

Eg ;)