Sunday, October 30, 2005

Hi mg

Me...I'm always up at 5 or 6 matter what time I hit the sack...last night I went to bed at 3:30am or so ( usual time for me ) woke me up at 5:30am...they always get up the very latest they wake up at 7am...if I'm lucky :D...I haven't set an alarm in 8 years...don't have to.

Lately I've been working on a few job obviously the second main thing to my kids which always comes first...job doesn't pay very well, in fact very little, but it affords me luxuries other jobs wouldn' I work from my apartment, that allows me to work around the kids schedule somewhat and be here for them.

Other things I've been working on are the blogs, creating my own charity for kids ( should be registered within the next 6-8 months )...just finished the Constitution/By-Laws and the Bill of there's just the Registration form left before it gets sent off for approval, and a variety of other just finished painting a few doors.

Then...there's AO...which has been incredibly boring good arguments to get into...there's the one in Cosmos started by morganlefay but I wouldn't call it an argument as much as I'd call it a borderline insanity :D...which is why I've avoided it for the most part :D

Other than that...whatever time I have left over goes into promoting the blogs...manually submitting them into directories, submitting updated blogs to ping sites, and occasionally posting in the few blog forums I've joined to increase exposure, etc...I expect that by the end of the year we should start reaping the benefits...before the website goes up I'd like to have a good steady flow of visitors.

Well..that's all for now...Happy Halloween Everybody! Taking the girl's out tomorrow night in their giraffe outfits :D

Eg ;)